Friends of Missions





Prayer Partner Update

Dear Prayer Partners,

Thanksgiving month is here once again! And I am thankful for so many things. I’m thankful for Jesus Christ and the Good News of His coming kingdom! I am thankful for the privilege of serving as one of His ambassadors in this world! I am thankful for the faithful team of missionaries with whom I get to work everyday! And, I am thankful for each one of YOU who partner with us through your prayers and support! Here are some prayer and praise requests for the month of November. We thank you in advance for sharing them with your local church and for including them in your personal prayers.

T Family (Nepal)

Hoping to move into their long-term housing this week (first week of November)
Many practical details to be worked out this month, such as banking, visas, etc.
Cultural adjustments
Networking and contacts for ministry to T i be tan people.
Wisdom to know how to answer local people who are curious to know “why are you here?” This is a great opportunity for conversation, but wisdom is needed for the right way to answer this question!

Muir Family (Mexico)

Brennan’s teaching ministry and students with Ezra Biblical Seminary
Ivon’s discipleship ministry to women.
Wisdom and guidance as the Muirs and Martinez’s prayerfully work out future ministry plans in Mexico.

Martinez Family (Mexico)

Open doors for local ministry in Guadalajara
David’s teaching ministry and students with Ezra Biblical Seminary
Thank God that David and Diana have recovered from a recent severe bout with sickness; pray for their renewed strength and health.
Wisdom and guidance as future ministry plans are developed along with Brennan and Ivon Muir.

Maricka Herrer (South Africa / Africa 85 Initiative)

Praise the Lord for doors opening for Maricka’s home church (in South Africa) to minister in public schools in their city! Pray for fruitful ministry.
Pray for an upcoming series of training seminars in Uganda in early January (3 training seminars conducted by 2 distinct teams of trainers).

Shirley Fogleman (PNG)

Christmas is just around the corner. For the Christians in PNG it means special gatherings both in their home villages and in their local churches. Revival services will be conducted. Pray that this season will be a time of spiritual renewal among the Bible Fellowship churches in PNG.
Pray that broken relationships will be mended and that a spirit of unity will reign.


Pray for the newly-formed SGC training program that is happening in several locations in the northern region of the Philippines.
Pray for the Shepherd’s College and the several students who are in training this semester.
There are several new churches that are in the process of being pioneered/planted at this time; pray that they will become established.



Hello, Friends!

One of the best investments you will ever make is to contribute toward the establishing of a new church. Ministries come and go. But a church will continue to bear witness to the gospel, train local disciples, and minister to those in need for generations to come. And the local church is at the heart of God’s plan for His kingdom on earth.

For many years, Bible Methodist Missions has partnered with church planters and new congregations in the Philippines by sharing with them in the initial cost of building their very first house of worship. Often these new church plants begin by meeting in someone’s home or some other temporary venue. But as souls are saved and the church is established, the need for their own chapel becomes urgent.
In 2025, we are anticipating the opportunity to partner with our Filipino brethren in several new chapel constructions. The timing and budgets can vary, but I am anticipating at least 4 congregations will be ready to build before the end of next year.
As the end of the current year approaches, could you help us get a head start in preparing to build these new chapels? By preparing ahead, the work will not be delayed when the time comes to build. My goal is to raise $50,000 by December 31.
Would you consider making a year-end gift toward this need?
To give online, click on the “GIVE” button below, and select “chapel projects” from the drop down menu on our giving page.
You can send your donation through your local or regional Bible Methodist missions department. Or, you can send it directly to:
Bible Methodist Missions

c/o Rev. Deron Fourman

PO Box E

Port Clinton, OH 43452

Thank you for partnering with us in training, planting, sending, and serving!- 

Dr. R.G. Hutchison

Director for Bible Methodist Missions

November 7th, 2024